In response to a recent fox hit, we got a new rooster. He arrived early one morning, popped out of his carrier blinking, and proceeded to introduce himself to the ladies. So far, he is a really stellar rooster- very handsome, very alert and watchful, not at all aggressive to us or other humans, and he has run off both Jezebel and the cats from his flock. We even enjoy his crow quite a makes the place seem The hens knew it the second he showed up, and proceeded to gossip all about it to each other, and still have plenty to say. It was clearly the biggest chicken happening of recent note (fox excluded). They steal treats right from his beak, and managed to pluck a few of his neck feathers- now we really know what henpecked means- but he is boss.
I am currently scrambling to get a hive in place, because someone found a package of bees for me. I thought I had missed the window for this year (bees are in high demand, and you
Winter and I visited the goats a couple of weekends ago, and they are doing well. Chuck, and our friends Heather, and Mike, have done an excellent job getting things ready, and the goats will be coming home to quite a nice facility. They have a house all their own, a nice secure barn, some fun ramps, and an outdoor enclosure with some sweet wooden fencing. The goats are cute as ever. The one pictured is Orion.
Winter has finally perfected her crawl. Or scoot. Or whatever it is. We have wood or tile flooring all throughout the house, no carpet. I think the floor is uncomfortable on her knees, so she has developed her own little crabby crawl, which gets her where she needs to go without having to use her knees. She is getting pretty efficient at it (more than it seems in the video below- she gets camera shy) , and is enjoying reaching and demolishing cabinets, magazine racks, kitty tails, and anything else that strikes her fancy.
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